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Sports Day

Event Date


Thank you to the many students, parents and staff who work so hard to make this school-wide event a fun school community day for everyone

Please dress your child for all weather possibilities – light layers, sunblock and a hat are recommended. We also encourage students to wear running shoes and to bring an easy-to-carry water bottle labeled clearly with their name.

Please be mindful that all times may vary.

8:20 – Deliver bikes, scooters, and wheels to the gym

8:40 – Attendance and Students go outside to cheer on bike parade with their class

9:05 – Bike parade begins [Moved to after lunch]

9:25 – Younger sibling/Toddler Race

9:30 – School Wide Dance [Moved to after lunch]

9:50 – Recess

10:05 – Students check in at their classes and move to their stations

10:15 - Station Rotations Begin - Thank you to all the Gr.7 Station leaders!

11:55 - Wrap-up stations and students return to their classrooms

12:00 - Lunch – 

Eat first then play. Hot lunch will be White Spot. Pre-ordered lunches will be delivered. There will also be a concession stand set up for students and parents to purchase from. Thank you to the PAC! Parents can meet their children in the park for lunch.

12:20 – Outside play

1:00 – Students check in to their classes

1:05 – Freezies! On the field.

1:10 – Primary shoe toss [Postponed]

1:45 – Tug-o-War [Postponed]

2:15 – Scoring and closing announcements

2:45 – Dismissal

*students may leave early after a parent checks them out with their teacher*