Literacy at Whiteside
Last year we started our journey to improved literacy achievement at Whiteside. We completed spring reading screeners (testing the ability of students to read words correctly). We also participated in provincial reading assessments in grade 4 and grade 7. This year, we participated in more thorough reading assessments (testing the ability of students to read words correctly and their ability to understand that they read). Every student read with their teacher and answered questions about their reading. Our reading assessments were consistent in both French and English.
Our provincial results:
After years of consistent literacy achievement, most recently we see 12% decrease in our intermediate (grade 4-7) literacy skills.
Our local results:
Primary (kindergarten to grade 3) literacy results:
80% of students are at an emerging or developing level.
Grade 3-5 literacy results:
80% of students are at an emerging or developing level.
Grade 5-7 literacy results:
65% of students are at an emerging and developing level.
As a result of our fall reading assessments, our teachers will examine literacy practices that will support the reading, writing, and oral language skills of our students.
Our next steps to improve literacy instruction and practice at Whiteside are:
Intensive literacy intervention programs with our Learning Resource Teachers
Increased professional learning opportunities for teachers and staff
Collaboration time for our teachers with our district teacher consultant
Working in classroom teams of Learning Resource Teachers and Classroom Teachers to design lessons to provide literacy opportunities for all learners
Increased learning resource spending to update and improve literacy resources in each classroom
Creation of a school-wide book room
Provide common space to share literacy resources