WaterSafe Courses (for Camp and Rafting)
Please see the attached lists of WaterSafe courses offered by the City of Richmond over Spring Break (March 18-30) and Spring (April 6 - June 16). It is highly recommended that students have their WaterSafe certificate (or the equivalent Red Cross Level 5+ or Swim for Life Level 4+) to fully participate in Outside Education--Grade 6 Camp and Grade 7 Rafting. (Any Grade 7s who got WaterSafe certificates last year for camp do not need to repeat the course.) This year, Grade 6 Camp will take place from May 1-3, and Grade 7 Rafting will take place on June 4.
Once your child receives his or her certificate, please have them bring it to the office for photocopying. (The same applies to the Red Cross and Swim for Life booklets.) Please do this well in advance of the Outdoor Education dates above.